FraggedNation ( has agreed to support Carolina Games Summit (CGSummit - with an online League series to keep players engaged during the off season.
FraggedNation has been growing its influence in the competitive gaming industry for ten years, and has players socializing and competing across many games and all platforms every day. Terry Tognietti, CEO of FraggedNation’s parent company Nation Fusion, Inc., says, "CGSummit has done a great job with their annual event, and this allows both communities to interact and enables the Carolina Gaming Community to utilize the FraggedNation developed competitive software to stay involved year ‘round. We take great pride in this relationship.”
Carolina Games Summit has been the premier gathering spot for gamers and game developers in the region since 2006. “Keeping attendees attention between events has been a struggle” says Michael Everett, Creative Director and Founder of CGSummit, “This new partnership will give our attendees a reason to stay connected with each other, our event, and our sponsors throughout the year.”
About FraggedNation
FraggedNation has been evolving and growing since its inception as a competitive site in 2002, expanding to all platforms and adding significant social features over the last few years. It is known as a social, competitive video-gaming site, for gamers, by gamers, and recently surpassed 100,000 registered members! It is owned by Nation Fusion, Inc., which is focused on building on the community’s desires and uniting with other like minded communities. It is virtually completely driven and managed by volunteers. Recent feature additions include BattleBox, a real time chat and open challenge system enabling instantaneous matchups on your desired game, unique achievement tracking, and Gaming News updates. Additional information can be found on the official web site:
About Carolina Games Summit
Carolina Games Summit will be held Saturday, February 2, 2013, 10AM – 8PM at Wayne Community College in Goldsboro, NC. This hybrid event will once again deliver industry speakers, video game tournaments, concerts, exhibition booths, cos-play, educational sessions, and trading card games. Compete against gamers from all over the country in a variety of popular tournaments. Enjoy all your favorite platforms including arcade, computer, and console games with both tournament and free-play options available. Additional information can be found on the official web site: