12:59pm - 11:00pm
Call of Duty: WWII 4V4
Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #codwwii News Registered Full Teams (maximum of 16 allowed)
- Team NRT - team founder: Antwan69 (Anthony Martiano)
- Team 9001 - team founder: WontonWally (Jonathan Portillo)
Partial Teams (unlimited until tournament is full)
- Team LUPU - team founder: Richard (Richard Kenion)
- Team FreeAgent - team founder: TheUnwantedDuck (Josiah Arthur)
2:00pm - 7:00pm
NBA 2K18
Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #NBA2K18 News Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
- dbright50 (Daquan Bright)
- gavinsanity1300 (Gavin Russell)
- schwag (Michael Burl)
- Ga_baller95 (Travarus Ross)
- DizzyChicken (Devon Stalek)
- MareoW101 (Mareo Wainaina)
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Street Fighter V
Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #SFV News Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
- flamedj55 (DJ Frank)
- Kung_Fu_Dude (Scott Johnson)
- lunar13 (Alejandro Anaya)
- jay (Jonathan Rogers)
- Paxion (Parker Simmons)
- Nureth (Hunter Chen)
- IronMan (Ray Joyner)
- Mottman8 (Scott Mott)
- Marshall_King (Willie Fellows)
- Lis (Brian Henrick)
- Tyrece (Tyrece Jones)
- sol1dus2 (Alex Sterling)
- BigBadGrandma (Denny Garcia)
- Gravitypen (Jorge Garcia)
- chanci (Micah Lyons)
- Jayboogie429 (Jordan Silver)
2:00pm - 8:00pm
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #SSBM News Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
- Zer0th (David Klingler)
- Lock_onStratuss (Tevin Pettiford )
- nutype24 (Jaime Vaquera)
- codephoenix (Daniel NP)
- Samine (Jacqueline F)
- IronMan (Ray Joyner)
- WarMachine (Travis Sawyer)
- ssbmpretz (Joshua Moore)
- its4365 (Justin Harden)
- Dolaire (Jack Martinez)
- Pood (Bryce Gerdeman)
- Tags4Dads (Ian Young)
- Sham (Ben Goulet)
- countchocula (Samuel Thomas)
- Vexon_Wolfblood (Mathew Farmer)
- MachoCheese (Matthew Macky)
- Paul_Blart (Joshua Panasci)
- Marikaya (Christian Yang)
- Kite (Allen Perkins)
- Porkupine (Michael Poythress)
- AnonGrizzly (Jacob Bowers)
- h2ografixx (Alex Rambert)
- sacrikt (Keagan Sacripanti)
- palmer13579 (Grant Palmer)
- BensonLine (Benson Lineberger)
- mattmonarca (Matthew Monarca)
- geradarada (Gerardo Tinajero)
- bellybelly (Belen Tinajero)
- ZachAttack (Zachary Van Handel)
- jester544 (Jeff Hagman)
- ZombieMark83 (Mark Zabicki)
- stingers135 (Alex Featheringill)
Alternate Players (maximum of 8 allowed)
- TangFeng (Troy Boone)
- roflkirk (Lily Cloud)
- Cloud777 (Matthew Decker)
3:00pm - 11:00pm
Halo 5 FFA
Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #halo5 News Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
- meeveret (Michael Everett)
- Kendred113 (Kendred Hitt)
- wilj (William Jerome)
- WarMachine (Travis Sawyer)
- IronMan (Ray Joyner)
- Mornings_Light (Christian Morris)
- FriskyNumber (Eric Willis)
- countchocula (Samuel Thomas)
- Vexon_Wolfblood (Mathew Farmer)
- DanTheDapperTV (Daniel Lewitt)
- Whiteshadow001 (Zach White)
- DragonRiderX5 (Brodie Smith)
- Jok3rs_Grin (Jesse Chavez)
- mattmonarca (Matthew Monarca)
- BrandonMonarca (Brandon Monarca)
- Marshall_King (Willie Fellows)
- Kaleb_J (Kaleb Jones)
- Khalil_J (Khalil Jones)
- Zach_S (Zach Sellers)
- Markmarezzo (Donald Wilcutt)
- starcenturion (Remy Robelo)
- Mad_Man (Marcus Raiter)
- Dark_Draken (Gary Mercer)
4:00pm - 11:00pm
Overwatch 6v6
Untitled Document
Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #Overwatch News Registered Full Teams (maximum of 16 allowed)
- Team Spicy Bois - team founder: RedAngel32 (Thomas Cole)
- Team MiraGe - team founder: IluZDave (Davis Britt)
- Team #YAAAAAAAAAAASSSSS QUEEENNN! - team founder: mckittens (Nathaniel Rioux)
- Team F8te - team founder: kayariverleaf (Kaya Walsh)
- Team Cliffhangers - team founder: Weasely (Zach Hurt)
- Team Pinky Pandas - team founder: Jacob06 (Jacob Carter)
- Team Team Red - team founder: gonzo964 (Gonzalo Rodriguez)
- Team Easy Mode - team founder: AllFiveOfUs (Peter Levine)
Partial Teams (unlimited until tournament is full)
- Team The Last Minutes - team founder: YaketyTak (Chris Sanchez)
- Team Pickle Cannons - team founder: TopherB (Topher Burns)
- Team FreeAgent - team founder: andrewplaya (Andrew Baldwin)
- Team TwoStack - team founder: YWPhoenix (Tiffany Vielman)
- Team ScarletCrusade - team founder: The_Useless_Pro (Eli Carrico)
- Team fromWHERE - team founder: surfsoljah13 (Joseph Agor)
5:00pm - 9:00pm
Mario Kart 8
Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #MarioKart News Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
- Jkasis (Joe Asis)
- icedragonz (Quinton McLeod)
- Eflex (Eli Washington)
- wilj (William Jerome)
- shelbybunny (Shelby Bass)
- slashstryfe (Andrew Hardison)
- IronMan (Ray Joyner)
- WarMachine (Travis Sawyer)
- JonXHall91@gmail.com (Jonathan Hall)
- dekurain (Cathy Hardison)
- Mottman8 (Scott Mott)
- THEREALMC24 (Matthew Cobb)
- easygeekin (Tremaine Williams)
- ScTc (Cesar C)
- DanTheDapperTV (Daniel Lewitt)
- BrokenProton (Robert Vandagriff)
- starcenturion (Remy Robelo)
- ghastlyguy (Alex Whysall)
- broken_spoke (Ben Whysall)
- Paul_Blart (Joshua Panasci)
- Rae (Raelina Horm)
- JoeWiiA515@yahoo.com (Jojo Asis)
- TheUnwantedDuck (Josiah Arthur)
- h2ografixx (Alex Rambert)
- Catchphrase (Kyle Macaluso)
- BensonLine (Benson Lineberger)
- Weasely (Zach Hurt)
- geradarada (Gerardo Tinajero)
- nabean04 (Nicholas Bean)
- bellybelly (Belen Tinajero)
- BigBadGrandma (Denny Garcia)
- ZachAttack (Zachary Van Handel)
Alternate Players (maximum of 8 allowed)
- Gravitypen (Jorge Garcia)
- gabojangle (Gabi Grainger)
- gamingassassintv (Brandon Eads)
- I1Anonymous_1I (Todd Lowe)
- Awesum (Jacob Boccio)
- JakeTheFlake (Jacob Greene)
- Jared16292 (Jared McLeod)
- yugosaito (Yugo Saito)
6:00pm - 11:00pm
Killer Instinct
Untitled Document
Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #killerinstinct News Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
- RANCID21 (Gerald Fowler)
- Phongstar (Phong Nguyen)
- ZombieMark83 (Mark Zabicki)
- TangFeng (Troy Boone)
- Jayboogie429 (Jordan Silver)
- Doug0801 (Doug McKinney)
- no.name.nick (Nicholas Whitehorse)
6:00pm - 11:00pm
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #dbzf News Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
- AnonGrizzly (Jacob Bowers)
- isoldmyhead (Eden Monson)
- dbright50 (Daquan Bright)
- flamedj55 (DJ Frank)
- Lock_onStratuss (Tevin Pettiford )
- Shingodfist (Charles Pace)
- WarMachine (Travis Sawyer)
- IronMan (Ray Joyner)
- Supermandevan (Devan Greene)
- JakeFairyTail (Jake Buff)
- Lis (Brian Henrick)
- MervyMerv (Miquel Mervin)
- nezz (Jonathan Lee)
- LordofGames (Randal Surles)
- schwag (Michael Burl)
- BensonLine (Benson Lineberger)
- MareoW101 (Mareo Wainaina)
- BigBadGrandma (Denny Garcia)
- Gravitypen (Jorge Garcia)
- Marshall_King (Willie Fellows)
- Mornings_Light (Christian Morris)
- Cloud777 (Matthew Decker)
- wonderousbread (Sam Thiessen)
- micthewarrior (Mychael Benton)
- PrinceSpence (Spencer Grant)
- Storybook (Timothy McWilliams)
- JoshuaLepore (Joshua Lepore)
- Ingrahm (Cory Gaynor)
- Toh-yah (Tevin Bridges)
- yungdestroyer (Alex Rogers)
- 3rdPartyOP (Anthony Jackson)
- NC_Haise (Trey Monk)
Alternate Players (maximum of 8 allowed)
- Thetruedavey (David Fox)
- rcarr2 (Richard Carruthers)