1:00pm - 7:00pm
Rocket League 3v3
Click for the Latest @GalaxyConLou #RocketLeague News Registered Full Teams (maximum of 16 allowed)
- Team Trumpzillas - team founder: TrumpZilla9652 (Christian Freed)
- Team Perfect Balance - team founder: Kowjo2 (Chris Pittenger)
- Team bna - team founder: SleekCylinder35 (Noah Butts)
Partial Teams (unlimited until tournament is full)
- Team Badmfks - team founder: Therealdill (andrew dill)
- Team Abusement Park - team founder: PyroCrysis (Malik Shepherd)
- Team Team Awesome - team founder: JackNMidikov (Dylan Phillips)
- Team The boys team 2 - team founder: Joemamma69 (Jaden Jackson)
- Team SODT - team founder: sammyclips (sam trimble)
1:00pm - 7:00pm
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles
Click for the Latest @GalaxyConLou #SSBU News Registered Players (maximum of 128 allowed)
- Pro_Pain (Joshua Cook)
- SaigeEagle (Constance Eagle)
- SlopShop (Matt Bryan)
- djgamer23 (darvell bricest)
- Ratoris (Nicholas Alexander)
- Sparkyshinx (Mark Alexander)
- ezno (enzo alexander)
- mimomamimima (ana D)
- Dr.feign (Jacob feign)
- Cadenza (AJ Ritchie)
- Lovestar (Luke Bailey)
- VladAmir (Amir Alidani)
- MrPigglesWorth01 (Caleb Fisher)
- Zaelleaz (Jacob Durham)
- SirStrad (Tobi Munoz)
- MikesPepsi (Cameron Mattingly)
- jeannies21 (jeannie sizemore)
- cookemUP (James Dean)
- Mmethoos (Skylar Sullivan)
- Kiri (Max Chesis)
- jgetsbuckets (Jonah Butts)
- heroclixman123 (Rich Lairson)
- DoctorX (Chris Ramirez)
- Apocha (Connor Steveley)
- telamon95 (Greyson Allen)
- thors (cody watson)
- SmilinJack (Scott Terrill)
- Acronad (Jacob Stagg)
- YourWaifuSucks (Jakob Memmer)
- Moonmaster (Jeff A)
- sageplayer (Sage Murrell)
- budro (Carson Foy)
- zeldafan (Bethany Peters)
- gone (Sam lastname)
- FTx (siara ramos)
- DuckyMomo (Paul Jackson)
- booboo (Evan Payne)
- OzzyWozzy11 (Ozzy Pepper)
- Stormemes (Jacob Harmon)
- GForce2201 (Garret Julian)
- NettyIsHere (River White)
- Swiss (Joshua Richards)
- Denfire (Jesse Evans)
- Swiggens (Blake Fraley)
- spiffygiffy (Trey Gifford)
- BagelBaker8 (Andy DeRossett)
- WATU (Michael Wuattoux)
- JackNMidikov (Dylan Phillips)
- 0racle_ (Garrett Fried)
- NateDaDogHolt20 (Nate Holt)
- Nf410128 (Nicholas Flood)
- Josh6988 (Josh Hardin)
- haydenC (Hayden Corba)
- Rickarus (Dameian Batista)
- mememajokko (Hanna Ford)
- JalenFreeman828 (Jalen Freeman)
- FurretWalk (Jacob Rivette)
- CactusBurrito (Edward Richey)
- Wilexrivi (William Phillips)
- gladiis (Joseph Southworth)
- TastyJawn (John Mason)
- Nicksteve (Nick Ely)
- CerberusRhyno (Ryan williams)
- SadAlienPHD (Erin Healy)
- Thekms (Matthew Self)
- BurnerXR (Charles Crews)
- RelaxedRaven (Link Hill)
- tuffluck (Jake Lederer)
- Miacosette (Mia Trent)
2:00pm - 11:59pm
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2v2
Click for the Latest @GalaxyConLou #CoDMW News Registered Full Teams (maximum of 16 allowed)
- Team Team Beefcake - team founder: heroclixman123 (Rich Lairson)
- Team Abusement Park - team founder: PyroCrysis (Malik Shepherd)
- Team carnage - team founder: undeadcarnageYT (alexander ireland)
- Team SoA - team founder: ragedelite (michael hicks)
- Team BagOfE-gulls - team founder: Bagaegul (Brandon Kwiecien)
- Team seven sins - team founder: zrenyboy (Ashlei Long)
- Team C is for claymore - team founder: 0racle_ (Garrett Fried)
- Team The Broskis - team founder: Gamer_girl2 (Zaxton Rothberg)
- Team the boys - team founder: BraedonHerron (braedon herron)
- Team BeansGaming - team founder: Tripod (Sean Steer)
- Team SODT - team founder: sammyclips (sam trimble)
- Team Innit - team founder: crAigep (Ethan Craig)
- Team Langford - team founder: plangford64 (Phil Langford)
- Team justrun - team founder: dustynw14 (dustyn wolfe)
- Team The Murder Hobos - team founder: Galahad (Matthew Van Buren)
- Team JOHN FORTNIGHT - team founder: OzzyWozzy11 (Ozzy Pepper)
Alternate Teams (maximum of 4 allowed)
- Team jognuts - team founder: thanoid (jonah sela)
- Team KlutchGodz - team founder: KingKlutch (Michael Carstens)
Partial Teams (unlimited until tournament is full)
- Team YunoGasai - team founder: alexycatlett (Alexy Catlett)
- Team Badmfks - team founder: Therealdill (andrew dill)
- Team Murder Hobos - team founder: Denfire (Jesse Evans)
- Team ssjssdgod - team founder: imjustaguy (Joseph Olvera)
- Team Sweats only - team founder: CoolFire59 (Savannah Curtis)
- Team Odinson - team founder: Fenrir (Riley Smith)
- Team - team founder: Caleb (Caleb Mitchell)
4:00pm - 8:00pm
Mortal Kombat 11
Click for the Latest @GalaxyConLou #MK11 News Registered Players (maximum of 64 allowed)
- SaigeEagle (Constance Eagle)
- OneLilOrphan (Dante Celeste)
- Haytian_King (Kalyntae Williams)
- cuban-smuggler (noah perez)
- undeadcarnageYT (alexander ireland)
- BiggieRobs (rob napper)
- atolbert (Anthony Tolbert)
- scbarr03 (Shajuanda Barrow)
- NaztyNate350 (Nathan Hawkins)
- vanover87 (josh vanover)
- konman18 (conner vanover)
- JoJo (joseph lewis)
- BugsBunnyAFRO (Kody Green)
- ZorgonIV (Zorgon IV)
- qmjohn01 (Quadry Johnson)
- Gamer_girl2 (Zaxton Rothberg)
- Xandar88 (Xander Rothrock)
- RexBestSwag (Jaime Hernandez)
- SirRich (Richard Warner)
- shadowofintent (matthew klein )
11/23/19 @ 6:00PM - 11/24/19 @ 1:00AM
Halo 5 4v4
Click for the Latest @GalaxyConLou #halo5 News Registered Full Teams (maximum of 32 allowed)
- Team TGF - team founder: TOXICAceLoki (brandon montgomery)
- Team 4Honor - team founder: dmarshall (David Marshall)
- Team the pro - team founder: vanover87 (josh vanover)
Partial Teams (unlimited until tournament is full)
- Team Team Beefcake - team founder: heroclixman123 (Rich Lairson)
- Team Sith Tribunal - team founder: DarthShadowXX (sean searcy)
- Team Strictly Melee - team founder: JHumphrey (James Humphrey)
- Team Sith Tribunal - team founder: frogkid667 (Parker Mccurry)
7:00pm - 10:00pm
Johann Sebastian Joust
Click for the Latest @GalaxyConLou #JSJoust News Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
- Kowjo2 (Chris Pittenger)
- thors (cody watson)
- Dr.feign (Jacob feign)
- Adrianxmontes (Adrian Montes)
- IHopeiWin (jace Benner)
- MemeLord2000 (Amethya Moore)
- magster180 (Maggie Sikes)
- TwinkleToes (Nick Taylor)
- Teaun091 (Teaundez Williams)
- JoJo (joseph lewis)
- Cromagnet (Nicholas Magalski)
- konman18 (conner vanover)
- vanover87 (josh vanover)
- Orinimi (Rowan Wix)
- TVsDunDorr (Jonathan Wells)
- SaigeEagle (Constance Eagle)
- Kdeadpool (Deshawn Sykes)
- itsshawn (mackenzie lorenz)
- Copen_Rose (Ivan Smothers)
11/23/19 @ 8:00PM - 11/24/19 @ 1:00AM
Injustice 2
Click for the Latest @GalaxyConLou #injustice2 News Registered Players (maximum of 64 allowed)
- DartTheLegend (Jacob Carr)
- NaztyNate350 (Nathan Hawkins)
- qmjohn01 (Quadry Johnson)
- Swordfish (Daniel Hellard)
- acho89 (Annam Choudhry)
- Kdeadpool (Deshawn Sykes)
- suneater2442 (Ash Anderson)
11/23/19 @ 8:00PM - 11/24/19 @ 1:00AM
Madden NFL 20
Click for the Latest @GalaxyConLou #Madden20 News Registered Players (maximum of 64 allowed)
- Yeet_Master (Zachery Sturdivant)
- qmjohn01 (Quadry Johnson)
- tree (Israel Marshall)
- 23treym (Trey Moore)
- cborn00 (Christian born)
- Peak (Kevin Peak)