7:00pm - 11:00pm
Fortnite Solos No Builds
Click for the Latest @CGSUMMIT #fortnite News Registered Players (maximum of 25 allowed)
- ajauniew (Epic ID- ajaunie. Ajaunie White)
- liver522 (Olivia Exum)
- Sosa (Ashton Pierce)
- Huntsmcgee (Hunter Lilley)
- Tsndeadshot24 (Jamie Andrews)
- jaylinrichardson8668 (jaylin richardson)
- YT-IIISSUESIII (Brandon Webb)
- ikedude79 (Isaac Nelms)
- CMJudd (Christopher Judd)
- TheMoose (Matthew Hathaway)
- mttig (Michael Tignor)
- Pablo123 (paolo dinu)
- babi123 (timoti hornea)
7:00pm - 11:00pm
Tekken 7
Click for the Latest @CGSUMMIT #tekken7 News Registered Players (maximum of 64 allowed)
- Rob420mortal (Robert Best)
- Lightningmage (Ben S)
- KidGrandpa (Jacarrah Jones)
- CitizenKong7681 (George Davis)
- StrandedFighter6 (Caleb Hall)
- KimboShotty (Kim Hannah)
- Blitzball_Champ (Jason Ingram)
- Abbadonox (Christopher Jarrell)
- Combatwombat69 (Geovany Lopez)
- DownBadDavey (David Fox)
- thatdemoguy (DeMorris Edberson)
7:00pm - 11:00pm
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Click for the Latest @CGSUMMIT #MarioKart News Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
- Cloudwalkr (George Nestor)
- martinklock0955 (Martin Klock)
- Angiee7321 (Angela Moore)
- bbuddy123 (Cole Simons)
- dragoniota (Brandon Hardie)
- Nicholastuck48 (Nicholas Tucker)
- Mariogamer2007 (Jacob Singleton)
- Jackson (Jackson Pridgen)
- cplanet (Darius Martinez)
- LilWhiteBread (Jarvis Peaden)
- christalbotsr (Chris Talbot)
- EXiLE (Jerylmayne White)
- HyperPikachu (Ryan Olson)
- alexagner (Alex Agner)
- Videogames525 (Hannah Lovell)
- InfiniteRyuo (Ethan Hurd)
- wspeight (Will Speight)
- Sluggo11 (Scott Merritt)
- PowerRangerIRL (Braxton Oakey)
7:00pm - 10:00pm
Just Dance 2023
Click for the Latest @CGSUMMIT #JustDance News Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
- mombot2023 (Mahalia Witter-Merithew)
- worldsnumberonedad (Ryan Witter-Merithew)
- aligoins (Ali Goins)
- Mahsaucysams (Samuel Mason)
- ragner73 (Rebecca Agner)
- loona (Creighton Agner)
7:00pm - 11:00pm
Magic the Gathering: Commander
Click for the Latest @CGSUMMIT #MTG News Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
- Jjr182 (Josh Rupprecht)
- Wadeaminute60 (Wade Williams)
- LuisgBonilla (Luis Bonilla)
- rshafer76 (Robert Shafer)
- 13luecatalyst (David Gray)
- sunbro4464 (Gavin Allen)
- Detour5322 (Steven Parsons)
- Graham5542 (Graham Matthews)
8:00pm - 9:00pm
Johann Sebastian Joust
Click for the Latest @CGSUMMIT #JSJoust News Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
- worldsnumberonedad (Ryan Witter-Merithew)