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< Prev Day Friday, February 17, 2023 Next Day >
7:00pm - 11:00pm
Fortnite Solos No Builds
Posted by: Michael Everett
Fortnite Fortnite Fortnite Rules RL

Click for the Latest @CGSUMMIT #fortnite News

Registered Players (maximum of 25 allowed)
  1. ajauniew (Epic ID- ajaunie. Ajaunie White)
  2. liver522 (Olivia Exum)
  3. Sosa (Ashton Pierce)
  4. Huntsmcgee (Hunter Lilley)
  5. Tsndeadshot24 (Jamie Andrews)
  6. jaylinrichardson8668 (jaylin richardson)
  7. YT-IIISSUESIII (Brandon Webb)
  8. ikedude79 (Isaac Nelms)
  9. CMJudd (Christopher Judd)
  10. TheMoose (Matthew Hathaway)
  11. mttig (Michael Tignor)
  12. Pablo123 (paolo dinu)
  13. babi123 (timoti hornea)

7:00pm - 11:00pm
Tekken 7
Posted by: Michael Everett
Tekken 7 Tekken 7 Brackets Tekken 7 Rules Tekken 7 LiveStream

Click for the Latest @CGSUMMIT #tekken7 News

Registered Players (maximum of 64 allowed)
  1. Rob420mortal (Robert Best)
  2. Lightningmage (Ben S)
  3. KidGrandpa (Jacarrah Jones)
  4. CitizenKong7681 (George Davis)
  5. StrandedFighter6 (Caleb Hall)
  6. KimboShotty (Kim Hannah)
  7. Blitzball_Champ (Jason Ingram)
  8. Abbadonox (Christopher Jarrell)
  9. Combatwombat69 (Geovany Lopez)
  10. DownBadDavey (David Fox)
  11. thatdemoguy (DeMorris Edberson)

7:00pm - 11:00pm
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Posted by: Michael Everett
MK8 Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Rules Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Brackets MK8 LiveStream

Click for the Latest @CGSUMMIT #MarioKart News

Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
  1. Cloudwalkr (George Nestor)
  2. martinklock0955 (Martin Klock)
  3. Angiee7321 (Angela Moore)
  4. bbuddy123 (Cole Simons)
  5. dragoniota (Brandon Hardie)
  6. Nicholastuck48 (Nicholas Tucker)
  7. Mariogamer2007 (Jacob Singleton)
  8. Jackson (Jackson Pridgen)
  9. cplanet (Darius Martinez)
  10. LilWhiteBread (Jarvis Peaden)
  11. christalbotsr (Chris Talbot)
  12. EXiLE (Jerylmayne White)
  13. HyperPikachu (Ryan Olson)
  14. alexagner (Alex Agner)
  15. Videogames525 (Hannah Lovell)
  16. InfiniteRyuo (Ethan Hurd)
  17. wspeight (Will Speight)
  18. Sluggo11 (Scott Merritt)
  19. PowerRangerIRL (Braxton Oakey)

7:00pm - 10:00pm
Just Dance 2023
Posted by: Michael Everett
JustDance JustDance JustDance Rules JustDance

Click for the Latest @CGSUMMIT #JustDance News

Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
  1. mombot2023 (Mahalia Witter-Merithew)
  2. worldsnumberonedad (Ryan Witter-Merithew)
  3. aligoins (Ali Goins)
  4. Mahsaucysams (Samuel Mason)
  5. ragner73 (Rebecca Agner)
  6. loona (Creighton Agner)

7:00pm - 11:00pm
Magic the Gathering: Commander
Posted by: Michael Everett
Magic the Gathering: Constructed Modern Brackets Magic the Gathering: Constructed Modern Rules Magic the Gathering: Constructed Modern LiveStream

Click for the Latest @CGSUMMIT #MTG News

Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
  1. Jjr182 (Josh Rupprecht)
  2. Wadeaminute60 (Wade Williams)
  3. LuisgBonilla (Luis Bonilla)
  4. rshafer76 (Robert Shafer)
  5. 13luecatalyst (David Gray)
  6. sunbro4464 (Gavin Allen)
  7. Detour5322 (Steven Parsons)
  8. Graham5542 (Graham Matthews)

8:00pm - 9:00pm
Johann Sebastian Joust
Posted by: Michael Everett
Joust Joust JS Joust Rules Joust

Click for the Latest @CGSUMMIT #JSJoust News

Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
  1. worldsnumberonedad (Ryan Witter-Merithew)
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