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< Prev Day Sunday, July 30, 2023 Next Day >
12:01pm - 4:00pm
Fortnite Solos No Builds
Posted by: Michael Everett
Fortnite Fortnite Fortnite Rules RL

Click for the Latest @SFGamingExpo #fortnite News

Registered Players (maximum of 24 allowed)
  1. Sosa (Ashton Pierce)
  2. SirLacc (Joel Bishop)
  3. Joelula (Joseph Lula)
  4. AwadThemself (Chris Awad)
  5. jellyman1100 (James Ogletree)
  6. terry (Mattox Brigman)
  7. Egbert (Michael Egbert)
  8. Relaxatpool (Vincent Kilroy)
  9. Andrewx (Andrew DeLorenzo)
  10. badmelon (Natalee Grant)
  11. FortniteKid12 (Brobie Clay)
  12. Joshua (Joshua Kinoshita)
  13. Zeryphus (Giovanni Harris)
  14. kyden123 (kyden silverberg)
  15. mybuket (johnny nguyen)
  16. andy.nguyen10 (andy nguyen)
  17. andrews (Andrew Kien)
  18. millermanatl (Miller Caselli)
  19. CubsAaron (George Williams)

1:00pm - 4:00pm
Tekken 7
Posted by: Michael Everett
Tekken 7 Challonge Brackets Rules Forum Twitch Channel

Click for the Latest @SFGamingExpo #tekken7 News

Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
  1. M4RTHEKAGE (Marcus Gray)
  2. CJFrozen (Chadric Wiley)
  3. Goku_Black0418 (Michael Cohen)
  4. AShavers21 (Alexander Shavers )
  5. meeveret (Michael Everett)
  6. DragonHunterX (jake blake)
  7. TheWishmaster (William Hickey)
  8. xxTreeDudexx (Harrison Lynch)
  9. bpzander45 (Bennett Zander)
  10. Alucard (Carlos Cruz-Mora)
  11. Renti (Lorenzo Smalls)
  12. Brandgrams (Brandon Gramajo)
  13. DirtyLlama (Manuel Gutiz)
  14. Natmeep (Dylan Leach)
  15. koala808 (keoni tietjen)
  16. M2JMacho25 (Malcolm Johnson)
  17. Jsquid (Jonah Miller)
  18. Mdawg (Max Miller)
  19. Kraken (Mr Kraken)

1:00pm - 3:00pm
Gran Turismo 7 Finals
Posted by: Michael Everett
GT7 Challonge Brackets Twitch Stream Rules Forum
Top eight qualifying times will be featured during a finals race on Sunday!

Click for the Latest @SFGamingExpo #GT7 News

1:00pm - 4:00pm
Halo Infinite FFA
Posted by: Michael Everett
HaloInfinite Challonge Brackets Twitch Channel Rules Forum

Click for the Latest @SFGamingExpo #HaloInfinite News

Registered Players (maximum of 16 allowed)
  1. deverett (Dane Everett)
  2. Davidhudson396 (Malan Hudson)
  3. DragonHunterX (jake blake)
  4. bosX1234 (Joseph Burkle)
  5. Reverbed (Ty Allen)
  6. Jamey1979 (Jamey Bramlett)
  7. slyck22 (James Speaks)
  8. terry (Mattox Brigman)
  9. paxmanyt (paxton venuso)
  10. nwags93 (Nathan Wagner)
  11. Lawk3t (Nathan Hysong)
  12. totalnv13 (Antero Machin)
  13. The_Cool_Place (Ha Sa)
  14. Mellow (Savon Whitehead)
  15. mpowers (Meleah Powers)

2:00pm - 4:00pm
Just Dance 2023
Posted by: Michael Everett
JustDance2023 Challonge Brackets Twitch Channel Rules Forum

Click for the Latest @SFGamingExpo #JustDance News

Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
  1. Rāzurion (Meghan Alfano)
  2. deverett (Dane Everett)
  3. LukaSaluzzi (Luka Saluzzi)
  4. smallfire93 (Paul Stallings)
  5. rosalie (Rosie Koon)
  6. Joul3z (Julius Johnson)
  7. CoasterKart23 (Austin Latimer)
  8. AdamBailey (Adam Bailey)
  9. FayeBailey (Faye Bailey)
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