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< Prev Day Saturday, March 16, 2024 Next Day >
12:01pm - 3:00pm
Fortnite Solos No Builds
Posted by: Michael Everett
Fortnite Fortnite Fortnite Rules RL

Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #fortnite News

Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
  1. ChosenGrace (Hannah Owens)
  2. Vaught (Micah Hutto)
  3. Dr.Dignitxs (? ?)
  4. KDAWG2001 (Caleb Strickland)
  5. Njbreed4202679 (James Robinson )
  6. arcini8 (Alex Cini)
  7. met1129 (Mary Beth Turner)
  8. AbeKrell (Abe Krell)
  9. ZachFN (Zachary Deemer)
  10. Viscious_S (Matthew Harris)
  11. Grim1241 (Hunter Sheffler)
  12. Flyer_95 (Howard Atwood)
  13. Crystalwolf953 (Meghan Tankersley)
  14. Alex_TheGamer (Alex Barbour)
  15. Gcastro (Gael Castro)
  16. Bthomas (Brennen Thomas)
  17. loverby (Luke Overby)
  18. ecampbell (Eli Campbell)
  19. aheaney (Aidan Heaney)
  20. ewadiak (Eli Wadiak)
  21. jdonnalley (Jack Donnelly)
  22. gwong (Graham Wong)
  23. Jazzy_TheGreat (Jasmine Love (JCSU Esports))
  24. Sscratches (MICHAEL SMITH)
  25. Pointman3955 (Gabriel Valentino)
  26. IndieQuest (Trinity Spragling)
  27. Eastbound (Mark Brumfield)
  28. evilEnderman (Kylie Stecker)
  29. bdonnalley (Blake Donnalley)
  30. Sosa (Ashton Pierce)
  31. pdoodle23 (Parker Wassel)
  32. vvsub1 (Evan Gardener)
Alternate Players (maximum of 8 allowed)
  1. vvsub2 (Riley Hutchison)
  2. vvsub3 (Riley "RJ" Draime)
  3. TTVjoykill06 (Aiden Avelar)
  4. PoaDynamic4You (Hayden Guerrero)
  5. Fadetonoir (Albert Kohlstock)
  6. Starwolf (Evan Melendez)
  7. MJ-Gamer-14 (Matthew Hernandez)
  8. bpurchell (Brian Purchell)

1:00pm - 5:00pm
Mortal Kombat 1
Posted by: Michael Everett

Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #MortalKombat1 News

Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
  1. Rob420mortal (Robert Best)
  2. IluZDave (Davis Britt)
  3. Daj3r (Jaekwon Smith)
  4. Danbamalam (Daniel Bourbonnais)
  5. Rosethorns (Anthony Bialer)
  6. shaunm44 (Shaun Moore (JCSU Esports))
  7. ArkKeys_90 (Marquis Hampton JCSU Esports)
  8. JayNewAccount (Jayden McKinney JCSU Esports)
  9. Jsander01 (Jeremy Sander)
  10. DragonKingJake__ (Jake Buff)
  11. Fazo (Glenn Parks)
  12. LilyRaven02 (Reginald White JCSU Esports)
  13. HeartAttackHero (Ivan Vazquez)
  14. MortyC137 (Davaughn Godley)
  15. Jakai8 (Jakai Alston)
  16. matrotm (Malcolm Trotman)
  17. TheDoctor (Benjamin Tschupp)
  18. EagerGenji (Wyatt Korell)
  19. Weirdmatter (Carlo Rodriguez )
  20. KidGrandpa (Jacarrah Jones)
  21. GodsL3ftSandal (Kevon Davis)
  22. Traestarr (Jeffrey Corrreia )
  23. BloodPoolBoy (Joshua Schwartz)
  24. Skript (Cody Deemer)
  25. cito21 (olay williams)
  26. ajlacoss (Antonio LaCoss)
  27. trikky (Michael Barillas)

1:00pm - 9:00pm
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Singles
Posted by: Michael Everett
SSBU SSBU Singles Rules Smash Brothers Ultimate Brackets SSBU Singles LiveStream

Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #SSBU News

Registered Players (maximum of 128 allowed)
  1. trubladeking195 (Toby Nunn)
  2. Cambamalambam (Cameron Holmes)
  3. AudioSlavedSoul (Tony Favela)
  4. HyperPikachu (Ryan Olson)
  5. Jellymaster (Landon Welch)
  6. dio3000 (Benson Lineberger)
  7. gdavis1986 (James Davis)
  8. GigaBowser2016 (William Davis)
  9. Hawx (Nathan Hawxwell)
  10. Knuxs (Ian Quiñones)
  11. PancakeDog (Alex Peterlin)
  12. St3v3n (Steven Miles)
  13. DigitalDemon0 (William Pittman)
  14. Warheart97 (Robert Aldridge)
  15. XVenom13 (Cesar Camargo)
  16. Metacobalt (Miguel Camargo )
  17. SenseiZap (Wilshawn Isler)
  18. nm41 (Joshua Strain)
  19. Cerealkiller062 (Jesus Martinez)
  20. Shirsh (Javen Graham)
  21. TheIrs (Iris Turner)
  22. Tandaren (Bryan Goodman)
  23. BlackBird (Ethan Curran)
  24. SK9100 (Keegan Strain)
  25. cuddlebb92 (Brittany Barnwell)
  26. Volo (Steven Portlock)
  27. CodfishJoe (Shade Gentry)
  28. Hellborn_Fern (May Levonian)
  29. Weyx (Patrick Melim)
  30. Mustang_cobra13 (Mitch Newton)
  31. MusicMan (steven krois)
  32. Jaquez-Sama!!! (Jaquez Lewis)
  33. Buggsbugsme (Justin Baldwin)
  34. CaptainRex (Weylyn Sherrill)
  35. FlexinCrew (Dominic Flounoy)
  36. Church (Stephan Church)
  37. chee-z (Diana Martinez)
  38. L1gma (Elliot Hiraldo)
  39. Aztek-nine (Kollin Korell)
  40. pamgamer97 (Patrell McMillan)
  41. Edwardf09 (Edward Blackburn)
  42. greglhoffmann (Greg Hoffmann)
  43. PizzaMonster_NC (Dakota Strickland)
  44. Riovas (Nathan Windsor)
  45. Skooti (Jaden Alvin)
  46. Maxothy (Max Youngworth)
  47. Madoculos (Andrew Gietzen)
  48. Mrwes93 (Wesley Blankson)
  49. Awesum (Jacob Boccio)
  50. BunnieSideUp (Angel Pierce)
  51. Ramofmars (Marcus Riddle)
  52. MayanRyan (Ryan Mercado)
  53. Otterz (Andrew Otte)
  54. JesticSkye (Brandin Poff)
  55. brown1234 (Franklin Brown )
  56. TheCoolBean (Caleb Lathan)
  57. galib (Galib Choudhury)
  58. ClaraFavela (Clara Favela)
  59. Unicornmom (Victoria Barbour )
  60. Dorkboard (Tyler Windsor)
  61. icanfixher (Lucy Wagner)
  62. JenniferSSB (Cleo Yang)
  63. YoyoGuy (Josiah Edwards)
  64. Lucas_Tyler (Lucas Antelo)
  65. Arie_Antelo (Ariel Antelo)
  66. HurriKanez (Ash Logan)
  67. Atani (Elliott Earhart)
  68. NovaLen (LENARD CLARKE)
  69. BAtG!rl14 (Isha Chintaram)
  70. Spicy_Nugget25 (Phoenix Williams)
  71. Elena_Rose (Elena Antelo)
  72. Sheldon! (Cornelius Babadi )
  73. SossBoss (Matthew Sipe)
  74. Crimson74 (Chris Abreu)
  75. jackinthebocks (Jackson Franke)
  76. Dfdf165 (Aiden Moore)
  77. milanmilan (Milan Chintaram)
  78. ryknow69 (Derek Rosvold)
  79. dryogi (Taylor Robinson)
  80. smilex (Adan Hermenegildo)
  81. KingBagel19 (Justin Glass)
  82. Imp (Alix Ollivier)

2:00pm - 6:00pm
Halo Infinite 4v4
Posted by: Michael Everett
HaloInfinite Halo Infinite 4v4 Brackets Halo Infinite 4v4 Rules Halo Infinite LiveStream Prize Support Provided by Silver Knight PCs of Fayetteville NC!

1st Place: Team Mustang_Cobra13
2nd Place: Team Toaster Bath
3rd Place: Team Viper

Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #HaloInfinite News

Registered Full Teams (maximum of 16 allowed)
  1. Team Password is Cobra13! - team founder: Mustang_cobra13 (Mitch Newton)
  2. Team Taco Sauce - team founder: Antonio_Zer0 (Javier Roman)
  3. Team ToasterBath - team founder: t0astermain (Jordan Decker)
  4. Team subsurface_network - team founder: KingBagel19 (Justin Glass)
  5. Team Team Viper - team founder: TheExViper13 (Christian Almeyda)
Partial Teams (unlimited until tournament is full)
  1. Team Sudden Death - team founder: B10MAST3R (Andrew Fic)

2:00pm - 6:00pm
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme vs Maxiboost ON
Posted by: Michael Everett

Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #MBON News

Registered Full Teams (maximum of 16 allowed)
  1. Team Living Dead Division - team founder: Aryanne (Colby Phetdara)
  2. Team The Honored Ones - team founder: LittleByrd (Jason Nguyen)
Partial Teams (unlimited until tournament is full)
  1. Team blue cosmos - team founder: Snogrd (Carlos Delgado)
  2. Team Dwarves United - team founder: Chalax (Jim Hamrick)
  3. Team Paranormal Haberdashery - team founder: tiktik1494 (Caedmon Holland)

3:00pm - 9:00pm
Gran Turismo 7 Qualifier Day 1
Posted by: Michael Everett
GT7 Challonge Brackets Twitch Stream Rules Forum

Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #GT7 News

Registered Players (maximum of 64 allowed)
  1. (Thomas Alley)
  2. SkylarOVA (Skylar Trinkle)
  3. Soloman98 (S C)
  4. DirtyAir (Dave Haire)
  5. Haru_ (Har U)
  6. BeardofFreedomGaming (Michael Statum)
  7. ChipReese (Mike Tajalle)
  8. Thatguydrifts (Alan Frank)
  9. Mathias (Mathias Wieher)
  10. BloodPoolBoy (Joshua Schwartz)
  11. crazeeasian (Jeremy Elmore)
  12. blaque_dynamite (dameon dixon)
  13. ajlacoss (Antonio LaCoss)
  14. Tigermuffin (Diego Destugues)
  15. Nugunsknight (Nicholas Wheeler)
  16. Tdmonkeypoop (David Larsen)
  17. rykubirb (Nathan Shumaker)
  18. alternity (Devlin Cashman)
  19. locrawl (Flavius Popan)
  20. renagade5069 (tye schell)
  21. ZPR_FatNLoud (Zach Pettinicchi)
  22. OP_RobbyHeck (Robert Heck)
  23. Mezmero (Matthias Kleckley)
  24. DaTubbz (noah chaney)
  25. jpcampbell42 (James Campbell)
  26. HarveyBirdman (James Trasatto)
  27. skillfulamy2017 (Amy Liu)
  28. jackrabb137 (Thomas Price)

3:00pm - 5:00pm
Fortnite Duos No Builds
Posted by: Michael Everett
Fortnite Fortnite Fortnite Rules RL

Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #fortnite News

Registered Full Teams (maximum of 16 allowed)
  1. Team Chosen - team founder: ChosenGrace (Hannah Owens)
  2. Team Dignity Reaper - team founder: Dr.Dignitxs (? ?)
  3. Team New Bern - team founder: ZachFN (Zachary Deemer)
  4. Team VIKING VOLTAGE II - team founder: loverby (Luke Overby)
  5. Team VIKING VOLTAGE - team founder: aheaney (Aidan Heaney)
  6. Team VIKING VOLTAGE III - team founder: ecampbell (Eli Campbell)
  7. Team VIKING VOLTAGE IIII - team founder: jdonnalley (Jack Donnelly)
  8. Team evil X doodle - team founder: evilEnderman (Kylie Stecker)
  9. Team ucc - team founder: khavercetti (Khaseem Montero)
  10. Team VIKING VOLTAGE V - team founder: bdonnalley (Blake Donnalley)
  11. Team VIKING VOLTAGE SUB - team founder: vvsub2 (Riley Hutchison)
  12. Team Ciserio x Concondablank - team founder: Ciserio (Shay Ireland)
  13. Team Twin Snakes - team founder: Starwolf (Evan Melendez)
  14. Team lc - team founder: kareemclarke2004 (kareem clarke)
  15. Team MakoMarlinSplash - team founder: FeyreDarling (Wendy Kirkman)
  16. Team loko x rain - team founder: Nvbila (Nicoleta Bila)
Alternate Teams (maximum of 4 allowed)
  1. Team Floppers - team founder: emassey (Everette Massey)
  2. Team PCHEkeen - team founder: pmoney757 (Patrick Keane)
  3. Team BoxOps+PBnJ - team founder: BoxOperation (Caden McComack)
  4. Team Weird - team founder: Weirdmatter (Carlo Rodriguez )
Partial Teams (unlimited until tournament is full)
  1. Team bugha x MUNK - team founder: Bugha (Bilal Jabal)
  2. Team The Islanders - team founder: ItsDozzie (Donnie Leahy)
  3. Team Siddward+lily - team founder: siddward (Sidd G)

4:00pm - 9:00pm
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Doubles
Posted by: Michael Everett
MK8 Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Rules Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Brackets MK8 LiveStream

Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #MarioKart News

Registered Full Teams (maximum of 24 allowed)
  1. Team Casual Karters - team founder: Coldshark (Troy Whetter)
  2. Team Trailer Park Boyz - team founder: SmoothE (Eric Nissen)
  3. Team Last Place - team founder: IlluminousAtoms (Peggy Steed)
  4. Team Luigis Goombas - team founder: Sliced_Bread (Nathan Janvrin)
  5. Team Overestimate the Competition - team founder: WilsonPiggsbury87 (Ender Eilbes )
  6. Team VanJos - team founder: Josie (Josie Diller)
  7. Team YoshisBoo - team founder: Bootime17 (joshua freeman)
  8. Team Bloc - team founder: UnwiserStorm (Charles Pittman)
  9. Team Scientology Racing - team founder: desire (Desire Johnson)
Partial Teams (unlimited until tournament is full)
  1. Team The Blue Shells - team founder: Dr.Dignitxs (? ?)
  2. Team Dream Team - team founder: Torbishu (Travis Evans)
  3. Team “Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing - team founder: nicehat78 (Hunter Dubar)
  4. Team Ayooo! - team founder: Myke (Michael Howard)
    • Myke (Michael Howard)
  5. Team Weasel Farts - team founder: swinstea (Sydney Winstead)
  6. Team NC Eclectic Esports - team founder: genderrebel (Arden Hardwick)
  7. Team - team founder: Ekud2001 (David Bowden)

5:00pm - 10:00pm
Rocket League 2v2
Posted by: Michael Everett
RL Rocket League Rocket League 2v2 Rules RL

Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #Rocket News

Registered Full Teams (maximum of 16 allowed)
  1. Team MissingTOT - team founder: SkylarOVA (Skylar Trinkle)
  2. Team The Turtles - team founder: Corrosive710 (Kyle Fawcett)
  3. Team Team Bloo - team founder: Renostaples (Reno Staples)
  4. Team Hexakicks - team founder: Murkicks (Brandon Culver)
  5. Team Wheels - team founder: Nugunsknight (Nicholas Wheeler)
  6. Team New Bern High - team founder: CutthroatBear11 (Daniel Bradford)
  7. Team Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - team founder: PowerRangerIRL (Braxton Oakey)
  8. Team Rockofsisyphus - team founder: mattmonarca (Matthew Monarca)
  9. Team Minimal Effort - team founder: frxstdemonx (Harrison Smith)
  10. Team HamSammy - team founder: Corrohsive (Evan Fawcett)
  11. Team Val Team White - team founder: malachi_isCool (malachi kizer)
  12. Team Peace - team founder: ItsDozzie (Donnie Leahy)
  13. Team Hancho - team founder: ajstam1993 (Andrew Stamenkovich)
Partial Teams (unlimited until tournament is full)
  1. Team Subway - team founder: Dr.Dignitxs (? ?)
  2. Team champ 2 - team founder: wyaquis (Marquis Hargrove)
  3. Team Need a Duo DM On Twitter @af1nest - team founder: Americas_F1nest (Micah Gardner )
  4. Team Not Last - team founder: Diamond4dayz (Benjamin Laurita)

6:00pm - 10:00pm
Street Fighter 6
Posted by: Michael Everett
StreetFighter6 Challonge Brackets Twitch Channel Rules Forum

Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #StreetFighter6 News

Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
  1. SkylarOVA (Skylar Trinkle)
  2. Soloman98 (S C)
  3. Blitzball_Champ (Jason Ingram)
  4. omnifree (Xavier Lassiter)
  5. Mrentertainment (Kevin Kerr)
  6. Møkū (Mirrye Graham)
  7. Bit.Gremlin (Sean Urbina)
  8. ArkKeys_90 (Marquis Hampton JCSU Esports)
  9. Jsander01 (Jeremy Sander)
  10. scramble (kevin urbina)
  11. Milkman (Beck McCoy)
  12. Kushonotsocial (Elijah Jimenez)
  13. musoxx (Anthony Moore JCSU)
  14. LilyRaven02 (Reginald White JCSU Esports)
  15. Mocassi (Daryus Gillespie)
  16. Mothman (Bodie Fain)
  17. matrotm (Malcolm Trotman)
  18. Bazza (conner chaney)
  19. Roqman (Vince Belgera)
  20. NAIRAMAN (Mayowa Daniel)
  21. tyrecej95 (Tyrece Jones)
  22. GodsL3ftSandal (Kevon Davis)
  23. Traestarr (Jeffrey Corrreia )
  24. Danbamalam (Daniel Bourbonnais)
  25. vvolf_ (William Thomas)
  26. cito21 (olay williams)
  27. GenerousOmega86 (Jonathan Capps)
  28. Okami_Shaun (Shaun Townsend)
  29. BlessedX (Torrance Major )
  30. aftertheraine (raine toledo)
  31. Leet7k (Oliver Tucker)
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