11:59am - 6:00pm
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Doubles
Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #SSBU News Registered Full Teams (maximum of 64 allowed)
- Team The Lamabams - team founder: Cambamalambam (Cameron Holmes)
- Team TauntingToucans - team founder: Unicornmom (Victoria Barbour )
- Team Mid-Average Newbies - team founder: AudioSlavedSoul (Tony Favela)
- Team The Legend of Bowser Jr. - team founder: DigitalDemon0 (William Pittman)
- Team Buster Wolf - team founder: Starwolf (Evan Melendez)
- Team Avalanche - team founder: Aztek-nine (Kollin Korell)
- Team mariomasters - team founder: mariomaster2014 (Eric Fogleman)
- Team The Dark Blades - team founder: Demi-Joker (William Nichols)
- Team DoubleBanjo - team founder: Senna1550 (Henry Price)
- Team Justa Coupla Nomral Guys - team founder: Church (Stephan Church)
- Team Casual Smashers - team founder: Sliced_Bread (Nathan Janvrin)
- Team Girl of the Month - team founder: Aeroksha (Cynthia Sauls)
- Team Lotus - team founder: Hawx (Nathan Hawxwell)
- Hawx (Nathan Hawxwell)
- L1gma (Elliot Hiraldo)
- Team Wi-Fi Warriors - team founder: Lossss (Carlos Segura)
- Team The Stallard Mallards - team founder: TwinkleToes91 (Allan Kirchhoff)
- Team Team washed - team founder: Jellymaster (Landon Welch)
- Team Poyos Hermanos - team founder: Metacobalt (Miguel Camargo )
- Team Bagelslayers - team founder: Wind (Rafael Baez)
Partial Teams (unlimited until tournament is full)
- Team Cherry Pepthi - team founder: HyperPikachu (Ryan Olson)
- Team Ultima Bellator - team founder: GigaBowser2016 (William Davis)
- Team High Kings - team founder: requuired_ (Noah Boyd)
- Team Downesides - team founder: Downesides (Craig Downes)
- Team Toasterbath - team founder: Huzzbie (Hunter Johnson)
- Team TeleportsbehindU - team founder: Knuxs (Ian Quiñones)
- Team Kool-aid Jammers - team founder: MxG_ParadiseOnTOP (Magnus Anderson)
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Singles
Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #MarioKart News Registered Players (maximum of 48 allowed)
- Mariogamer2007 (Jacob Singleton)
- IlluminousAtoms (Peggy Steed)
- Torbishu (Travis Evans)
- PizzaMonster_NC (Dakota Strickland)
- yummybagel (Jonah C)
- IluZDave (Davis Britt)
- arcini8 (Alex Cini)
- ewohl1207 (Eric Wohlgemuth)
- ZayLikesTrains (Zaydius Dooley)
- Cerealkiller062 (Jesus Martinez)
- GodsL3ftSandal (Kevon Davis)
- SmoothE (Eric Nissen)
- Dubbs919 (Matthew Wyker)
- Mo05eman (Stephen Kulin)
- cuddlebb92 (Brittany Barnwell)
- NachoVFX (Nathan Wohlgemuth)
- Jazzy_TheGreat (Jasmine Love (JCSU Esports))
- Hellborn_Fern (May Levonian)
- Jaquez-Sama!!! (Jaquez Lewis)
- FlexinCrew (Dominic Flounoy)
- CaptainRex (Weylyn Sherrill)
- Louis42 (Louis Moen)
- TeamComet (Bobby Moen)
- MusicMan (steven krois)
- Volo (Steven Portlock)
- Proto (Joshua Allen)
- Krwild (Kailyn Wilding)
- Roqman (Vince Belgera)
- l_koba (Lee Kobayashi)
- PokéKarsen (Karsen Schetter)
- chancethetrain (Chance Schetter)
- Maxothy (Max Youngworth)
- BunnieSideUp (Angel Pierce)
- T.fairy.princess (Tracy Riddle)
- JesticSkye (Brandin Poff)
- TheCoolBean (Caleb Lathan)
- dio3000 (Benson Lineberger)
- cherrycreamsicle (cherold sekcskas)
- Atani (Elliott Earhart)
- Ekud2001 (David Bowden)
- edtorockio (Ed Torockio)
- milanmilan (Milan Chintaram)
- UnwiserStorm (Charles Pittman)
- poobiswoobis (Grace Krell)
- SenseiZap (Wilshawn Isler)
- adrawer4ever (Eli Cameron)
- EricsBaldwin (Eric Baldwin)
- Bubowubs (Logan Holloway)
Alternate Players (maximum of 12 allowed)
- Celeste23 (Yaheli Tsemah)
- ZeroMM10 (Jon Williams)
- jabrunso42 (Johnathan Brunson)
- Txme.L3ss (Dartanyon Pearsall)
- XoTiq_ak (Aknaryias Andrews)
- NotValid-Tay (Tayshon Hickman)
- jahvlogs (jahmir horne)
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Gran Turismo 7 Qualifier Day 2
Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #GT7 News Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
- taalley@gmail.com (Thomas Alley)
- SkylarOVA (Skylar Trinkle)
- Soloman98 (S C)
- Mathias (Mathias Wieher)
- DirtyAir (Dave Haire)
- Haru_ (Har U)
- ChipReese (Mike Tajalle)
- CoachDSmooth (Darrick Mullins)
- DirtyAirJr (Griffin Haire)
- BeardofFreedomGaming (Michael Statum)
- ZPR_FatNLoud (Zach Pettinicchi)
- OP_RobbyHeck (Robert Heck)
- DaTubbz (noah chaney)
- musoxx (Anthony Moore JCSU)
- jackrabb137 (Thomas Price)
- iceycali (Calista Castro)
- PittyBox (Jason Pietrzyk)
- jabrunso42 (Johnathan Brunson)
- NotValid-Tay (Tayshon Hickman)
- AzureFlame92 (Giovanni Bergollo)
- Bran94 (Branden Harrelson)
- Seoul (James Wolfe)
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Halo Infinite FFA
Prize Support Provided by Silver Knight PCs of Fayetteville NC!
1st Place
Collective (Lance Lyerly)
2nd Place
Mighty (Ian Gans)
3rd Place
Davidhudson396 (Malan Hudson)
4th Place
TTVjoykill06 (Aiden Avelar)
Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #HaloInfinite News Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
- ThatHitsFatal (Andrew Baldwin)
- MightyMerk (Ian Gans)
- TTVjoykill06 (Aiden Avelar)
- Mugwump (Loup Maupin)
- Spicy_Nugget25 (Phoenix Williams)
- Cerberus2012 (Jonathan Brown)
- Collective (Lance Lyerly)
- Mighty (Ian Gans)
- Fuss360 (Darnell Taliaferro)
- YoCarWrecked (Harvey White III)
- Porkupine (Michael Poythress)
- KaiserBro (Ethan Kaiser)
- Davidhudson396 (Malan Hudson)
- SirTheo60 (Theodore Melkoumov)
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Tekken 8
Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #Tekken8 News Registered Players (maximum of 64 allowed)
- Rob420mortal (Robert Best)
- SenseiZap (Wilshawn Isler)
- Lightningmage (Ben S)
- Blitzball_Champ (Jason Ingram)
- mdesaussure (Moses Desaussure)
- RicaBeams (Reece Slaydon)
- Izzmarky (Ismaal Marks)
- PizzaMonster_NC (Dakota Strickland)
- thisJust-inn (Justin Jordan)
- Mrentertainment (Kevin Kerr)
- AZAR (Kemet Price)
- Certified (Jovan Sanford)
- Scubasteve4k (Steven Smith)
- G-Reg (Gregory Masto)
- Møkū (Mirrye Graham)
- Vecna001 (Alvontay Smith)
- pokemongalaxy89 (Wally Fields)
- ironmanseven7 (Clayton Foster)
- shaunm44 (Shaun Moore (JCSU Esports))
- JayNewAccount (Jayden McKinney JCSU Esports)
- Qwop (Justin English (JCSU Esports))
- LilyRaven02 (Reginald White JCSU Esports)
- ArkKeys_90 (Marquis Hampton JCSU Esports)
- Basedellis (Ellis Glover)
- zoranjakovac (monster guy)
- KKL (Karl Litchford)
- musoxx (Anthony Moore JCSU)
- atom (Anthony Molitas JCSU esports)
- Eton (Gavin White)
- ventdra (Franklin Walton)
- Jsander01 (Jeremy Sander)
- DragonKingJake__ (Jake Buff)
- dio3000 (Benson Lineberger)
- Kushonotsocial (Elijah Jimenez)
- ChefBoyRKeez (Markel Mack)
- Hakusho (Donald Haith)
- Papasmush (Jason Del Rosario)
- SUPALEEPLAYA (Ayden Henriquez)
- ConcaveSphinx (Lorenzo Martinez)
- TheSclap28 (Oscar Valladares)
- Kaze (Jovanni Fuller)
- Squirrel (Collin Hensley )
- MosWindu (Mosieo Boone)
- Renostaples (Reno Staples)
- fgcvariant (Hunter Kepley)
- HUNT4BIGFOOT (Christopher Meacham)
- Deshepard (DeonTre Shepard)
- Chillll (Mar’Q Jenkins)
- Blvckzenzi (John Coker )
- BocchiTheWok (John Dequito)
- Twin (Christian Burns)
- Ingress__ (Tevin Bridges)
- Showmatic (Michael Showes)
- Tidalblush (Veleah Dooley)
- x2DP (Damian Perry)
- Jakai8 (Jakai Alston)
- genderrebel (Arden Hardwick)
- MortyC137 (Davaughn Godley)
- matrotm (Malcolm Trotman)
- PAINTHEGOD (DeAndre Poindexter)
- trikky (Michael Barillas)
- ClamNC (Jason Moreno)
- Lvl100Lightskin (David Fox)
- KidGrandpa (Jacarrah Jones)
Alternate Players (maximum of 16 allowed)
- GodsL3ftSandal (Kevon Davis)
- trubladeking195 (Toby Nunn)
- Sheldon! (Cornelius Babadi )
- Hotsubub (Ariel Jones)
- Spiral_King (Sanchez Cooper)
- Wolfsoul88 (Michael Cuffee Jr)
- UnwiserStorm (Charles Pittman)
- aaroncb (Aaron Brown)
- CabinetGenie (Martin Cintron)
- BlessedX (Torrance Major )
- Krono (Josef Tobar)
- xSavage (Tomeire Goodman)
- ShinoRell (Durrell Waddell)
- Slycone (Chase Hampton)
- QuiseMar (Marquise Fisher)
- Nightmerejk (Kamere Bishop)
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Fortnite Solos Builds
Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #fortnite News Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
- KDAWG2001 (Caleb Strickland)
- ZachFN (Zachary Deemer)
- Bthomas (Brennen Thomas)
- loverby (Luke Overby)
- Messixross (Ricky Medina)
- aheaney (Aidan Heaney)
- gwong (Graham Wong)
- jdonnalley (Jack Donnelly)
- ecampbell (Eli Campbell)
- GavinTheGamer77 (Gavin Rouse)
- Alex_TheGamer (Alex Barbour)
- Bugha (Bilal Jabal)
- Rustic_hiccup0 (Corben Johnson)
- Eastbound (Mark Brumfield)
- bdonnalley (Blake Donnalley)
- Ashes2ashes (Asher Griswold)
- Sosa (Ashton Pierce)
- wyaquis (Marquis Hargrove)
- khavercetti (Khaseem Montero)
- vvsub1 (Evan Gardener)
- vvsub2 (Riley Hutchison)
- vvsub3 (Riley "RJ" Draime)
- Gcastro (Gael Castro)
- swagonfn (Yip Yap)
- Ciserio (Shay Ireland)
- Concondablank (Connor Blankenship)
- CoryDurocher (Cory Durocher)
- kareemclarke2004 (kareem clarke)
- Josh. (Josh Marin)
- marcosvqz (Marcos Vaquiz-Hernandez)
- Xtyphlosionx (Christopher Bianchi)
- bubblesgm (Sonny Gajigianis)
Alternate Players (maximum of 8 allowed)
- Odoggiedog (Owen Rocha)
- OreoKing (Troy Rummel)
- smerching (Adrian Amador)
- wyacuenta (Wya Bue)
- BlessedX (Torrance Major )
- Eton (Gavin White)
- bobby123 (bobby lee)
- Krono (Josef Tobar)
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Guilty Gear -Strive-
Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #GGST News Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
- SkylarOVA (Skylar Trinkle)
- Soloman98 (S C)
- Lightningmage (Ben S)
- Greatkiln2 (William Holder)
- RoseHashira (Rose Rosales)
- IndieQuest (Trinity Spragling)
- Blitzball_Champ (Jason Ingram)
- Haru_ (Har U)
- MosWindu (Mosieo Boone)
- BocchiTheWok (John Dequito)
- HaroldDaHagfish (Carlos Solanilla)
- cherrycreamsicle (cherold sekcskas)
- Kite420 (Allen Perkins)
- ZenFurbe (Shawn Kuruganti)
- Eton (Gavin White)
- xSavage (Tomeire Goodman)
- how2banana (Tyler Rice)
- PancakeDog7 (Alex Peterlin)
- Tapp (Adam Tappin)
- gummie (S A)
- johne3 (Tim Vo)
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Just Dance 2024
Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #JustDance News Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
- ClaraFavela (Clara Favela)
- NoraFavela (Nora Favela )
- EverlyF (Everly Favela)
- CuteButSnuggly (Holly S)
- Xxcatty104xx (Caeley Tucker)
- ulrichem (Elin Ulrich)
- BAtG!rl14 (Isha Chintaram)
- Poisedsaga (Conner Martinez)
- Crimsonrose77 (Sabrina Turner)
- TurtleG (Jamee Neal)
- andrea100 (Andrea Nagy)
4:30pm - 5:30pm
Gran Turismo 7 Finals
Top eight qualifying times will be featured during a finals race on Sunday!
Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #GT7 News
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Johann Sebastian Joust
Click for the Latest @PlaythroughGC #JSJoust News Registered Players (maximum of 32 allowed)
- KoolKhaos (Izzy Kelley)
- Downesides (Craig Downes)
- dan.blanchard (Dan Blanchard)
- locrawl (Flavius Popan)
- Squarecastle12345 (Jesse Proctor)
- NinjaVillage12345 (Naomi Proctor)