To access this new feature you simply must upgrade your account to pre-registered status, by purchasing a $10 ticket. Your account will be instantly upgraded allowing you to visit the existing tournaments page and register for tournaments. For those of you who like things in list form here are the steps once more:
- Create an account on using your real name, a valid email, etc.
- Purchase a ticket: Ticket Purchasing Link
- Simply use the "Click Here to Register" link on the existing tournaments page: Tournaments Page Link
- If the tournament is a team tournament you will be asked to join an existing team or create a new team.
- You can view your current registration status on the tournaments page listed in step #3.
- You can see all currently registered participants by clicking the tournaments name on the tournaments page listed in step #3
If you want to withdraw from a tournament simply LOGIN and then visit the tournaments page, find the tournament you are signed up for on the list and use the "Click Here to Withdraw" link.
Restrictions: You can sign up for more than one tournament ONLY when those tournaments have the same location aka are in the same room! So if you want to sign up for all 2D Fighters you can. If you want to sign up for Halo FFA and 4v4 you can. If you want to sign up for all 2D and 1 3D fighter, you can not.
Please note that no team can exist without at least one participant. Therefore the last person to leave a team, even if it is not the founder of the team, will cause the team to be automatically deleted. Do not worry however because you can re-create a team and have it deleted an unlimited amount of times.
Please check the system out and let us know what you think. Users can join and leave tournaments an unlimited number of times UNLESS the tournament becomes full and subsequently stops accepting registrations.